Ready to Submit? Click this sentence!!
This year all participants are welcome to come prepared to propose a shorter session on the spot through our Open Space Format. No need to submit, just come prepared and you will have an opportunity to propose your session to the larger group on the spot.
We are also scheduling a limited number of proposals for Mind U programs. These are more intensive sessions, more than 5 hours of immersive training/experience in a series of 75-minute sessions that run the entire length of Mindcamp. These concurrent sessions are deep dives into a given area. There will be 5-6 Mind U programs in all.
If you would like to propose a Mind U, read on!
As a potential presenter, you need to know what Mindcamp is, and what it is not. Mindcamp is:
- a non-profit event. It’s not a paying gig. You pay to come to Mindcamp whether you present or not.
- a time for everyone to learn, including you. It’s not a place to drop in, present, and leave; nor is it a place to sell yourself or your services.
- an opportunity to take risks and try out new directions.
- a gathering of colleagues. Most participants are already creativity professionals. If you’re looking for new clients, you probably won’t find any here.
Mindcamp Program Design
Tell me, I’ll forget.
Show me, I’ll remember (sort of).
Let me do it too, and I’ll learn, and maybe even help you learn something new too.
Session submission deadline is April 1. Earlier is better. We will make final decisions about programs by the end of May.
Here’s how to make your submission as attractive as possible to us:
- Get it in early, well before the deadline of April 1
- Be as descriptive as possible about the actual experience your participants will have
- Be clear about how interactive your session is going to be, and in what ways
- Be clear about the takeaways your participants will receive (Learning Objectives)
- Present something that’s really new — novelty counts
- Be flexible about time; you may be asked to tailor it to a different time slot
- Proofread to make sure it’s well written and free of typos
If you’re a past presenter, check the bio and picture we have for you on file.
Your Picture and Session Image
Make sure we have a good photo of you: send it to Whatever you send us will be cropped/shrunk to 240px by 340px, so your face should be very prominent. So no action shots of you skateboarding down Mount Olympus, for example. The picture here, on the other hand, is a great example.
We do a pretty great job of finding and preparing images to represent your session, so no need to do anything at all here. But if you have an image for the session in mind, please share it.
Presenter Benefits
We offer a modest discount for each Mind U session. If there is more than one presenter, the discount is shared. You are also welcome, if you can afford it, to donate your discount to the Community Fund which helps us welcome dozens of participants who might otherwise not be able to come.