Kaleidoscope Groups

“Kaleidoscope group sessions were one of the highlights of Mindcamp. They enhanced the learning and social experience by providing a space for reflection, discussion and fast-developing friendships.”Participant
We all know that what you learn from an experience doesn’t end when the experience is over. In fact, most of your learning takes place after the experience, when you discover the connections between what you’ve learned and what you already know — between who you are and what you might become.

So in 2013 we introduced an opportunity for participants to share what they had learned, what they thought, what they felt, and what they wondered about their Mindcamp experiences. It was a hit!

“I love having an intimate debrief group where I can go to share thoughts and incubate on ideas together.”Participant
We do this through small, facilitated groups called Kaleidoscopes. Each group will be hosted by an experienced facilitator who will ensure a safe, open environment in which you can explore your thoughts and feelings, unpack your learnings, and begin integrating what you’ve been exposed to.