Focus on: Kristen Peterson
New Seabury, MA
Kristen Peterson is one of the founders of Mindcamp. A camp director by nature and nurture, she can usually be found with a clipboard in hand. She brings a big dose of passion, energy, and infectious can-do spirit to her work as an Innovation Catalyst as well as 20 years of hands-on experience for global clients.
She is a Senior Partner with New & Improved, LLC., an organizational development firm that focuses on the people skills organizations need to create growth through innovation. She is the former Director of the Creative Problem Solving Institute and holds an MSc in Creativity and Change Leadership from the International Center for Studies in Creativity at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
Kristen Peterson has presented:
- Samurai Wisdom: Exploring Your Edge (2019)
- Shower Thinking: An Introduction to the art, science, and process of incubation (2018)
- Creative Process Foot Camp: 12 simple steps to thinking better (2017)
- Shower Thinking: The art, science and process of incubation (2016)
- Trading Tools: Everybody knows something (2015)
- Rapid Protocept (2013)
- Creativity X-Press: Key principles, process & tools (2012)
- Cookie Swap: Stock your 'kitchen' with a delicious assortment of creativity energizers, tools & exercises (2012)
- Creativity X-Press: Key Principles, Process & Tools (2011)
- 3½ Tools to Help You Think Better (2010)
- Navigating the Maze: A Unique "On-Your-Feet" Creativity, Team, and Leadership Experience (2009)
- Rapid Protocepting (2008)
- The Art of Deferring Judgment (2008)
- Breakthrough Thinking with FourSight (2007)
- It’s Not What You Know, But How You Think (2006)