Focus on: Joe Miguez
Cliffside Park, NJ
Joe has built an international consulting practice based on stimulating creativity in individuals and groups to achieve personal and organizational innovation.
Analogical facilitator, change agent and labyrinth builder, Joe has worked with clients from major corporations, media, college and religious retreat centers. He has conducted workshops in Canada, Mexico, Europe, Turkey, Singapore, Chile, and the United States. His clients include Dupont, Maryland Insurance, Aera Energy, FedEx and many others.
Joe has been the prime driver in bringing the concept of the LAByrinth into the practice of creativity and innovation. He and his LAByrinths resonate as a beautiful instrument — “In the end, it's the cello in the sky.”
Sadly, Joe passed away in August, 2016. He is sorely missed.
Joe Miguez has presented:
- Field of Dreams: Stepping into the field of your dreams (2015)
- Mindcamp Labyrinth (2015)
- Mindcamp Labyrinth (2014)
- Piggy Bank Logic: The elemental elements of Piggy Bank Logic (2014)
- Mindcamp Labyrinth (2013)
- Where Two Worlds Collide: A crash course (2013)
- Five Spaces: Overcoming resistance to your life's purpose (2012)
- Mindcamp Labyrinth (2012)
- Labyrinth (2011)
- The Mountain 10 Xperience: An Emergent Technology for the 21st Century (2011)
- Labyrinth (2010)
- The Journey to U (2009)
- Labyrinth (2009)
- 5 Case Studies of Facilitating Creativity and Innovation (2008)
- Labyrinth (2008)
- Disney Does the LAB: Becoming the Idea (2007)
- Letting Go YO! CASSO Picasso (2007)
- Bridge Over Intentional Waters: A chaordic process (2006)
- LAB.yrinth: Getting from Here to (T)here (2005)
- The Seven Innovational Pathways of Mt. INNOVA (2004)