Focus on: Eileen Doyle
Lexington MA
Eileen Doyle, president of Deeper Dives, provides highly interactive facilitation and market research. Eileen has facilitated diverse projects such as ideation sessions, team building, market research, TV casting, and naming studies.
She applies techniques that access right brain and left brain, creating an atmosphere where participants use all learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. These include creative problem solving, projective techniques, archetypes, leadership/communication preferences and laughter. She partners with clients to clarify goals and facilitate their progress to actionable results.
Eileen is a leader in the field of creativity, presenting engaging workshops at conferences in the U.S., Canada, Italy and South Africa. She is a Colleague with the Creative Education Foundation and co-founder of the New England Creativity Group. She is "certifiable" in the MBTI®, Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator™, Foursight™, Professional Researcher, Coaching and Innovation Games®. Her favorite credentials are Certified Laughter Leader and international cat-sitter.
Eileen Doyle has presented:
- Charm School for Men (2011)
- Archetypes: Discovering the Archetype, Finding the Key to Success (2010)
- Bafa' Bafa': A Cross-Cultural Simulation (2008)
- Humor, Laughter and Creativity (2004)