Focus on: Massimo Agostinelli
Montréal, QC
Massimo Agostinelli, Montreal-based international master teacher of Bouffon, is a speaker/facilitator and choreographer. After 45 years in the industry he is still very active and in demand for his unique approach to his teaching and art.
Agostinelli is resident artistic trainer for Le Cirque du Soleil's artists and corporative events since 2004. He is resident teacher/choreographer for several reputable Canadian schools in dance and theater. Artistic director of his troupes Écho dance troupe and Bouffon de Bellefeueille.
Since 2016, Massimo Agostinelli facilitated/speaker at Creative Bangkok, Thailand; TEDxLille, Creative Mornings, Montreal; Créa-France; Mindcamp Canada, Mindcamp Chile, Mosaic Lille, Creative Melbourne and CREA -Sestri and more.
In 2016, award-winning short documentary Le Ridicule Ne Pas, directed by Nathanaëlle Vincent on his work with Bouffon with Cirque du Soleil and Bouffon de Bellefeuille, is presently touring international film festivals.
This year Massimo Agostinelli has partnered up with Comedy Corps for bookings of his international corporate workshops and presentations.
Massimo Agostinelli has presented:
- Bouffon for Everyone: The power of humour (2019)
- What's So Funny? (2019)
- Bouffon for Everyone: Let go and transform (2018)
- Bouffon for Presenters (2018)
- Bouffon for Everyone: Make a painless life-lasting transformation laughing all the way (2017)