So Many Choices!! What should I pick?

Tim HursonRandom

by Ian Rosenfeldt So you’re coming to Mindcamp? Amazing! Whether it’s your first visit, or you’re a seasoned veteran, it can be daunting for all of us when faced with the many workshop selections. “Whatever shall I choose?” “What is the right workshop for me?” “What if I choose wrong?” A number of years ago, I was given some pointers …

A Tip From Tony

Tim HursonMindcampology

Mindcamp presenter Tony Esteves, inspired by Jim Ridge’s most recent video, made a video of his own… One that gives his “bench” perspective on how to thrive at Mindcamp. Very useful advice, especially for first-timers — but even Mindcamp veterans will get a lot out of this! Thanks, Tony! httpvh:// Tony Esteves presented 30 Day Challenges: Pushing Yourself Towards Your …

Ground Hog Hill

Tim Hurson

Jim Ridge muses about the meaning of Mindcamp in this new video. Enjoy! httpvh:// Jim Ridge presents Kamishibai at Mindcamp 2015.

More Ithaca

Tim HursonRandom

Thanks, Francois Coetzee, for pointing us to a delightful graphic take on Sid Parnes’ favourite poem, Ithaca by Constantine Cavafis. It’s also a new (to us) translation. Click here to read it… enjoy!