by Ian Rosenfeldt So you’re coming to Mindcamp? Amazing! Whether it’s your first visit, or you’re a seasoned veteran, it can be daunting for all of us when faced with the many workshop selections. “Whatever shall I choose?” “What is the right workshop for me?” “What if I choose wrong?” A number of years ago, I was given some pointers …
A Tip From Tony
Mindcamp presenter Tony Esteves, inspired by Jim Ridge’s most recent video, made a video of his own… One that gives his “bench” perspective on how to thrive at Mindcamp. Very useful advice, especially for first-timers — but even Mindcamp veterans will get a lot out of this! Thanks, Tony! httpvh:// Tony Esteves presented 30 Day Challenges: Pushing Yourself Towards Your …
Ground Hog Hill
Jim Ridge muses about the meaning of Mindcamp in this new video. Enjoy! httpvh:// Jim Ridge presents Kamishibai at Mindcamp 2015.
Ghosts of Mindcamp Past
Looking over old programs…click on the cover image to download a pdf of the program.
One of Mindcamp’s Young Engineers
Mindcamper Hamzah had so much fun making his hovercraft during the Mindcamp Reverse Garbage session that he continued to improve it when he got home. Here is the result, as presented and explained by the engineer himself!
More Ithaca
Thanks, Francois Coetzee, for pointing us to a delightful graphic take on Sid Parnes’ favourite poem, Ithaca by Constantine Cavafis. It’s also a new (to us) translation. Click here to read it… enjoy!