Why I Love Mindcamp

MindcampMindcamp 2024

by Tim Hurson

Mindcamp is a professional development conference. We help business and community leaders enhance their creative, critical, and productive thinking skills.

But Mindcamp is about so much more than skill development:

Last year I hosted a program called “Listen Up”, which proposes a simple set of instructions and mindsets for improving listening and retention skills. People practice these in pairs for about 15 minutes, then report out about their observations.

After the exercise, one of the participants offered the following: “[name] and I have known each other for about 15 years. But now it feels like I’ve just met him for the first time. It’s like I hadn’t known him at all over all that time. I still can’t believe it. First, that I could not know someone I’ve known so long and second the treasure chest of what there is to know. I can’t wait to find out more.”

Everyone in the room nodded their agreement and joined the debrief. The word they used most often was “connection”.

In these days of seemingly endless polarization, connection — whether personal or professional — seems like a damn good thing to be promoting.

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