The Last Waltz

Franca LeesonMindcamp 2024

Since COVID, folks have been finding it more and more difficult to come to Mindcamp Canada. Travel and accommodation prices have gone way up; employment prospects are shifting (better for some, worse for others, but less freedom for everyone, it seems).

Based on declining registration over the past three years, we think that, for Mindcamp Canada, our time has passed. What was once attractive and galvanizing for a lot of people maybe just isn’t any more. We know that other conferences are having difficulty attracting participants too.

So with great sadness we have decided that August 2024 will be our final Mindcamp Canada.

Of course, we plan to go out with a bang! Mindcamp Canada 2024 will still be packed with great learning, connection, and inspiration. If you can come and share it with us, please do, you will be most welcome. We’ll keep the campfire lit for you.

And if you can’t come this year because of financial constraints, let’s talk! As always, Mindcamp has a tradition of working with people to help them find a way to afford it. Just reach out to and get the conversation started.

Comments 4

  1. I am saddened to hear that this is the last year for Mindcamp, but thrilled that I am signed up and ready to go for the last Mindcamp.

    I have lots of fond memories of past Mindcamps…the people that I met, the workshops that I attended, the workshops that I led. So hearing this news this morning was surprising, but totally understandable given what’s happening in the world around us.

    I hope that I will see many returning friends this year and we will make the last year an unforgettable experience.

  2. Franca, I’m looking forward to Mindcamp this year.

    This is a high point of my year.

    As always, Tom

  3. Would holding the Mindcamp over Zoom, Teams, … (similar to Tony Robbins et al) be an option?

  4. Tim, A sad day…but Mindcamp will never to be forgotten. And with wonderful and awe inspiring experiences…I’m thinking, what’s next? Mindcamp has spawned many sons and daughters who will go out into the world and create even more wonderful moments for people…while its parents enjoy their senior years in quieter and peaceful moments.

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