Wish I coulda’ been there; in large part, just to attend Jim’s workshops! I won’t forget the first time I met him while he was fixing his bike in the parking lot. Instant crush. Then I met his wonderful wife! Another instant crush – God love both of them! xx
Lisa Baxter
Aw Jim … so lovely to see your face, hear your voice, and listen to your heartfelt thanks and gratitude. So wish I could have been there this year … but life kinda got in the way. Sending you my love. Lisa xx
What a wonderful idea, Jim, to do a little video of your impressions! I totally agree!
So much amazingness goes on behind the scenes, forming the interior force that holds everything together, allowing for the exterior things we see/ enjoy.
This – my 3rd time at Mindcamp – was magical for me. In addition to the joy I felt facilitating “my” sessions, I had the pleasure of facilitating a Kaleidoscope this year for the first time. I feel honoured to hold space along with all of you, and humbled by your courage and loveliness.
So well said Jim! We are all so fortunate that this many wonderful people put so much into making Mindcamp as incredible as it is. Thanks for your thanks!
Comments 12
Wow! How do you thank such awesomeness of Mindcamp? I think Jim has come pretty close.
Thanks Hamlin. Missed you and Cynthia tons.
Jim Ridge for “Thanker-in-Chief”! And yes, to everyone…what HE said.
Thank Liz. It was a delight to be able to spend to so much time with you.
Wish I coulda’ been there; in large part, just to attend Jim’s workshops! I won’t forget the first time I met him while he was fixing his bike in the parking lot. Instant crush. Then I met his wonderful wife! Another instant crush – God love both of them! xx
Aw Jim … so lovely to see your face, hear your voice, and listen to your heartfelt thanks and gratitude. So wish I could have been there this year … but life kinda got in the way. Sending you my love. Lisa xx
What a wonderful idea, Jim, to do a little video of your impressions! I totally agree!
So much amazingness goes on behind the scenes, forming the interior force that holds everything together, allowing for the exterior things we see/ enjoy.
This – my 3rd time at Mindcamp – was magical for me. In addition to the joy I felt facilitating “my” sessions, I had the pleasure of facilitating a Kaleidoscope this year for the first time. I feel honoured to hold space along with all of you, and humbled by your courage and loveliness.
Looking forward to the next times.
Wow. Greatest thank you EVER! My personal goal for next year: make it to MindCamp. Miss you all!
Thank you Jim for saying it so sweetly for all of us lucky campers!
Ditto, ditto, ditto!!!
So well said Jim! We are all so fortunate that this many wonderful people put so much into making Mindcamp as incredible as it is. Thanks for your thanks!