Interested in presenting at Mindcamp Chile 2018? Although it is a Spanish-preferred conference, there’s no problem in presenting in English if you want to. We’ll help you out.
Mindcamp Chile 2018 runs Thursday January 4th at 4 pm, through Sunday, January 7th at 4 pm in Las Majadas, Pirque, a beautiful venue near Santiago. We’re now calling for facilitators. There will be three session formats:
- Single sessions, 90 minutes
- Extended sessions, 120 minutes
- Mind U, a more in-depth program of 3 sessions: 90 minutes on Friday and Saturday, and a longer 120 minutes closing session on Sunday.
If you are interested, please email us with the following information:
- Which format will accommodate best your intentions
- A short title for your session
- A brief description (one paragraph)
- Three learning objectives you’d like to accomplish
- Any notes, comments, disclaimers, or whatever else you’d like to share with us
- A short bio of yourself
About pricing, the cost per person is:
- Double room, $440.000 chilean pesos plus tax (about USD 675, foreigners don’t pay tax if they pay with a foreign credit card)
- Single room (very scarce) $550.000 chilean pesos (about USD 850)
The price includes accommodation for 3 nights, lots of food all day long and transportation to Las Majadas from and back to Santiago. Facilitators will get a discount, to be determined, that will go from 80 through 180 dollars approximately, depending on the type of session.
If you want to know more about Mindcamp Chile, visit our website, and be sure to connect with two of the organizers who will be attending Mindcamp Canada this year: Leonardo Muñoz and Rodrigo Sanchez-Picazo!