A Taste of Mindcamp (Habitually You)


One of a series of posts profiling some of the 100+ hours of Mindcamp programs you can take this summer. For more on this and other programs, go to: Mindcamp Sessions.

Focus on Behavior

Attitudes and intentions do not predict behavior — habits DO

© ismagilov / 123RF Stock Photo

Most of us trained in organization design and facilitation learned to focus on changing the hearts and minds of the people work with. But cognitive and behavioral science now shows us that habits drive at least 45% of daily life.

We will learn about the latest science of human decision making and behavior and apply this to projects and challenges of session participants. We will learn how to reduce resistance to innovative thinking and increase the probability of changing behavior.

The Skinny: 3 things you will get from this session

  • Learn latest theories from cognitive & behavioral science that impact human behavior and decision making
  • Apply theories from cognitive & behavioral science to challenges you are currently working on
  • Gain first-hand experience in clarifying the challenges you are working on as behavioral challenges

Daniel Epstein specializes in applying cognitive and behavioral science to marketing and innovation. At Procter & Gamble USA, he was named a “Harley Procter Marketer,” P&G’s highest marketing designation. For 3 years, he led P&G’s work on the future of marketing. On moving to Canada (for love!!!), he began consulting on behavior change in both consumer and public health domains. He is founder of “Portraits In Faith,” a multi-media documentary on spirituality, for which he interviewed and photographed 450 people in 27 countries over 11 years. On seeing it, Emmy-winner, Ken Burns said, “I was completely blown away. By its power and dignity, its implicit compassion and yet unblinking eye.”