Phew,I’m really glad that Jim used a Dutch Oven in his presentation.
Had he used a FRYING PAN, one’s brain could easily get fried.
I suggest a heat setting of SIMMER….then SLOW BOIL….then, if you have the capacity, a RAPID BOIL to fully integrate all the knowledge and wisdom and creativity you will certainly eat up at Mindcamp.
Jim Ridge, vertical video pioneer! Gives über cool an entirely new meaning.
Jean-Louis Dube
Since the process/experiences often take on a ” Pow! ” or ” WoW! “as well as “Aha” or blows you away … it would be useful to add a stick of dynamite…..and a few firecrackers ….
Comments 5
great fun Jim
Phew,I’m really glad that Jim used a Dutch Oven in his presentation.
Had he used a FRYING PAN, one’s brain could easily get fried.
I suggest a heat setting of SIMMER….then SLOW BOIL….then, if you have the capacity, a RAPID BOIL to fully integrate all the knowledge and wisdom and creativity you will certainly eat up at Mindcamp.
Jim Ridge, vertical video pioneer! Gives über cool an entirely new meaning.
Since the process/experiences often take on a ” Pow! ” or ” WoW! “as well as “Aha” or blows you away … it would be useful to add a stick of dynamite…..and a few firecrackers ….
Hey that’s MY donkey!!!